Associate Doctors Employment Opportunities in Temple TX
Imagine the practice of your dreams
What does it look like? Do you envision helping hundreds of patients each week not only get out of pain but correcting their spinal conditions in a high integrity, high volume, yet low-stress environment? Do you think that type of practice is possible? The answer is…... Yes! At Advanced Chiropractic we are seeking associate doctors in Temple TX.
Take Advantage of Our Experience in Temple TX
My name is Dr. Jeffrey Schels. My business partner, Dr. Jason Raesz, and I are owners of one of the largest chiropractic clinics in all of Texas. We both have a passion for not only helping as many patients as we can but also helping young doctors reach their full success potential, mentoring them, and lifting them up so they too can live the life of their dreams just like we are today. We interview doctors all the time and we hear the same old story. They graduated and went to work for another doctor who wasn’t willing or able to teach them how to be successful. So these great, passionate young doctors become great adjustors but never learn the business skills necessary for success. We’re tired of seeing this over and over. That’s why we created the Practice Smart Training program for associate doctors. We teach you all aspects of the 5 Steps to Success so that you are equipped with everything you need to know so at the end of two years you’ve learned so much you can fire us, open your own office, and be hugely successful! You may never want to, however, because you can be making so much, love the family environment, and enjoy the power of our culture.
If you are interested in an Associateship with Advanced Chiropractic, contact us here and add “Associate Position” to the last line of the form before you submit it.
Chiropractic Assistant Opportunities
Advanced Chiropractic is a fast-paced, customer-focused office. We welcome outgoing, friendly, and experienced healthcare applicants.
7:00am - 10:00am
2:30pm - 5:30pm
7:00am - 10:00am
2:30pm - 5:30pm
7:00am - 10:00am
2:30pm - 5:30pm
7:00am - 10:00am
2:30pm - 5:30pm
Saturday & Sunday
Advanced Chiropractic
7348 W Adams Ave #700
Temple, TX 76502